Jacquelyn L. Boggess, Director
Jacquelyn L. Boggess has mastered the head/heart/hands approach to racial justice work, creating space for everyone to engage in the material safely and to bring everyone along in examining the roots of inequity, its current day manifestation, and our shared work in rebuilding a new foundation. She is a Senior Lecturer on Diversity, Oppression and Social Justice at the School of Social Work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In the classroom, she challenges students to think about systems of race, class, and gender more broadly, and in greater depth, than current popular models of difference and theories of discrimination and bias can accommodate. Ms. Boggess has also been a policy analyst and a legal analyst focused on social welfare policy and practice. During her many years of work and study, she contributed to the national conversation on family support, income stability, intimate partner violence, and community violence—all with a racial and gender equity lens on the issues presented. She provides consultation and training nationally to advocates against domestic violence to help them infuse racial equity and cultural humility into their organizations and in their daily work with survivors and victims. She has a gift for telling hard truths in a way that they can be heard and then acted upon. She is a gifted teacher with lived experience which she shares generously in a lifelong pursuit of justice.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Policy & Advocacy, Nonprofit & Organizational Equity