our blog
nINA collective blog

Fighting for Equitable Policies
I want my family to have access to healthcare so we don’t lose any more loved ones unnecessarily, and I want that for you too. We deserve it. We can afford it. We can and should have a voice in decisions. We must imagine another way is possible and begin to co-create that new future together.

The Truth is the Light: Creating an honest portrait of who we have been, so we can build the world we seek to become
At the nINA Collective, we believe that it is critical to continue to uplift the truth - no matter how unpleasant - for the purpose of justice and liberation. There is no way to move forward without acknowledging the truth of our past. As we move into a new administration, we call for more opportunities to learn the truth, to engage our history, and to shape a narrative that allows our country to live into our potential as a diverse multiracial democracy. As nINA Director, Jacquie Boggess, often heard her grandmother say - and has in turn shared with us many times - “the truth is the light.”

There’s What We Say and There’s What We Mean by What We Say: Understanding the Weaponization and Politicization of ‘DEI’
This piece is one of three parts meant to reflect on our current political moment and the implications of the racialized rhetoric that has been flooding political dialogue, particularly around the Democratic nominee for the November election: Vice President Kamala Harris. Inspired by a Twitter post, in our next three newsletter stories, we consider how the phrases “DEI,” “woke,” and “CRT” have functioned to vilify Black people.